Ultimate Healing Frequencies List - Best Frequencies for Physical and Emotional Healing

This ultimate Healing Frequencies List is the right place if you’re interested in alternative forms of healing. You may have heard of the concept of “healing frequencies.” These frequencies, also known as vibrational medicine, use sound waves to promote healing and balance in the body. While the idea of using sound for healing may seem new, it has actually been around for thousands of years. It is rooted in ancient traditions from around the world.

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Understanding Healing Frequencies Healing frequencies are specific sound vibrations that are believed to have a positive effect on the body and mind. These frequencies can promote physical healing, emotional well-being, and spiritual growth. Each frequency is associated with a different healing aspect, such as pain relief, stress reduction, or increased energy.

How Healing Frequencies Work Healing frequencies stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. When you listen to a healing frequency, it can affect your brainwaves and alter the chemistry in your body. This can lead to many positive effects, such as reduced inflammation, improved circulation, and increased relaxation. By using healing frequencies, you can tap into the body’s natural ability to heal itself and promote overall wellness.

Key Takeaways

  • Healing frequencies use sound waves to promote healing and balance in the body.
  • Each frequency is associated with a different healing aspect, such as pain relief or stress reduction.
  • Healing frequencies work by stimulating the body’s natural healing processes and altering brainwaves and body chemistry.

Understanding Healing Frequencies

Healing frequencies are sound waves that are believed to have a positive effect on the body, mind, and spirit. These frequencies are thought to help promote relaxation, reduce stress, and aid healing.

There are many different types of healing frequencies, each with its own unique benefits and uses. Some frequencies are associated with specific organs or systems in the body. In contrast, others are believed to have a more general healing effect on the entire body.

You’ll discover most of them in this guide.

While there is limited scientific research on the effectiveness of healing frequencies, many people swear by their healing powers. Whether you want to reduce stress, improve your overall health, or simply relax and unwind, exploring the world of healing frequencies may be worth considering.

How Healing Frequencies Work

Healing frequencies use sound waves to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. These frequencies are believed to have a positive effect on the body at a cellular level, helping to restore balance and promote healing.

When you listen to healing frequencies, the sound waves travel through your body and interact with your cells. This interaction can help to activate the body’s natural healing response, promoting the regeneration of damaged tissues and encouraging the body to heal itself.

Different frequencies are believed to have different effects on the body. For example, some frequencies are thought to help with pain relief. While others may be more effective at promoting relaxation or reducing stress.

One popular set of frequencies is the Solfeggio frequencies, which are believed to have been used in ancient Gregorian chants. These frequencies are thought to have a powerful healing effect on the body and are often used in sound healing practices.

Overall, the exact mechanism by which healing frequencies work is not fully understood. However, many people report experiencing positive effects when listening to these frequencies, and they continue to be a popular tool for promoting health and wellness.

Healing Frequencies List by Types With Benefits

Various types of healing frequencies have been used for centuries to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Here are some of the most popular types of healing frequencies:

Solfeggio Frequencies

Solfeggio frequencies are a set of originally six tones that were used in ancient Gregorian chants. These frequencies are believed to have powerful healing properties and can help to balance the energy centers of the body. The original six Solfeggio frequencies are:

  • 396 Hz - Liberating Guilt and Fear
  • 417 Hz - Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change
  • 528 Hz - Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)
  • 639 Hz - Connecting/Relationships
  • 741 Hz - Expression/Solutions
  • 852 Hz - Returning to Spiritual Order

The extended Solfeggio frequencies are:

  • 174 Hz - This frequency is associated with pain relief, relaxation, and reducing physical and emotional tension.
  • 285 Hz - This frequency is believed to promote cellular healing and regeneration, as well as emotional balance and peace of mind.
  • 963 Hz - This frequency is often called the frequency of “God consciousness”.

Read our Solfeggio Frequencies Guide for more details on Solfeggio tones.

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Brain Entrainment Frequencies

Brain entrainment frequencies use a combination of binaural beats, isochronic tones, and other sound frequencies to promote specific mental states. These frequencies can help to increase focus, reduce anxiety, improve sleep, and more.

The most common ways to use them are Binaural Beats and Isochronic Tones, as covered below.

Binaural Beats

Binaural beats are created by playing two different frequencies in each ear, which creates a third frequency in the brain. This can help to synchronize brainwaves and promote relaxation, focus, and other mental states. Binaural beats are often used in meditation and can be customized for different purposes.

The Binaural Beats frequencies:

  • Delta (1-4 Hz): Deep sleep, healing, and regeneration, Reducing stress and anxiety
  • Theta (4-8 Hz): Light sleep and deep relaxation, Meditation, Enhanced creativity, Stress relief
  • Alpha (8-13 Hz): Relaxed alertness, Enhanced focus, and concentration, Calmness, Mindfulness meditation
  • Beta (13-30/38 Hz): Active, analytical thought, Increased focus and attention, Problem-solving
  • Gamma (30/38-100 Hz): Higher mental activity, Perception, Consciousness

The borders are not hard-cut, so in some resources, e.g., Delta starts at 0.5. Hz or Beta goes up to 30 Hz only or to 38 Hz.

Read our Ultimate Binaural Beats guide for more details on Binaural Beats and how to use them.

Free Binaural Beats Generator

Listen & download Binaural Beats in their pure form and build your own soundscape.

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Isochronic Tones

Isochronic tones are similar to binaural beats, but they use a single tone that is turned on and off at a specific frequency. This creates a pulsing sound that can also synchronize brainwaves and promote relaxation, focus, and other mental states.

Isochronic Tones use the same brain wave frequencies as Binaural Beats:

  • Delta (1-4 Hz): Deep sleep, healing, and regeneration, Reducing stress and anxiety
  • Theta (4-8 Hz): Light sleep and deep relaxation, Meditation, Enhanced creativity, Stress relief
  • Alpha (8-13 Hz): Relaxed alertness, Enhanced focus, and concentration, Calmness, Mindfulness meditation
  • Beta (13-30/38 Hz): Active, analytical thought, Increased focus and attention, Problem-solving
  • Gamma (30/38-100 Hz): Higher mental activity, Perception, Consciousness

The borders are not hard-cut, so in some resources, e.g. Delta starts at 0.5. Hz or Beta goes up to 30 Hz only or to 38 Hz.

Free Isochronic Tones Generator

Listen & download Isochronic Tones in their pure form and build your own soundscape.

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Chakra Tones Frequencies

Chakra tones frequencies are specific frequencies that are associated with each of the seven chakras in the body. These frequencies can help to balance and activate the energy centers of the body, promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Root Chakra

Frequency: 396 Hz

Meaning: Assists in freeing individuals from guilt and fear while promoting a feeling of safety and security​1​​2​.

Sacral Chakra

Frequency: 417 Hz

Meaning: Aids in eliminating blocks, conventions, and habits, paving the way for positive change​1​.

Solar Plexus Chakra

Frequency: 528 Hz

Meaning: This frequency is associated with transformation, DNA healing, miracles, and dramatic changes. It also aids in pain and anxiety relief, weight loss, and rewiring the brain’s neural pathways​​.

Heart Chakra

Frequency: 639 Hz

Meaning: Promotes communication, interconnection, and relationship-building. Reflects the tone of the Earth’s year, enhancing the main function of fostering relationships​.

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Throat Chakra

Frequency: 741 Hz

Meaning: Known to awaken intuition, leading to better communication with others. It also fosters the awakening of intuition.

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

Frequency: 852 Hz​​ (but sometimes mentioned as 720 Hz​ or 144 Hz too)

Meaning: This chakra is known as the ‘Seat of Intuition’, allowing for clear thought, a connection with the spiritual realm, self-awareness, erasing stereotypes, and restoring neural connections. It’s associated with the pineal gland and is located in the middle of the forehead.

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

Frequency: 963 Hz ( Sometimes 768 Hz)

Meaning: This chakra is associated with a connection to the Divine, higher consciousness, and our highest selves. It is located at the top of the head.

Schumann Resonance 7.83 Hz

Schumann resonance is the natural frequency of the Earth’s electromagnetic field at approximately 7.83 Hz. This frequency is believed to have a calming effect on the body and can help to reduce stress and promote relaxation.

Quantum Healing Frequencies

Quantum healing frequencies are based on the principles of quantum physics and use specific frequencies to promote healing and well-being. These frequencies can be customized for different purposes, such as pain relief, immune system support, etc.

Angel Frequencies

Angel frequencies are specific frequencies that are believed to be associated with the angelic realm. These frequencies can help to promote spiritual growth, healing, and connection with the divine.

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  • 111 Hz: Symbolizes high energy, enlightenment, inspiration, and intuition.
  • 222 Hz: Symbolizes balance, impactful relationships, faith, and trust.
  • 333 Hz: Symbolizes ascension, love abundance, new awakenings, and answered prayers.
  • 444 Hz: Symbolizes connection with angels, wisdom, intuition, and negative energy detox.
  • 555 Hz: Symbolizes divine change, soul reset, and new creation.
  • 666 Hz: Symbolizes balance between physical and spiritual self, spiritual wake-up call, and connection with angels.
  • 777 Hz: Symbolizes awareness, divinity, and spiritual “big bang”.
  • 888 Hz: Symbolizes manifestation, abundance, and endless possibilities​.
  • 999 Hz: Represents unity, moving forward, and spiritual awareness.
  • 1111 Hz: Receive endless positivity and face hardships with the help of your guardian angel.

Planet Frequencies

Planet frequencies are based on the frequencies of the planets in our solar system. These frequencies are believed to have specific healing properties. They can be used to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

  • Earth: 194.18 Hz - Promotes grounding, stability.
  • Mercury: 141.27 Hz - Enhances communication, intellect.
  • Venus: 221.23 Hz - Promotes love, harmony.
  • Mars: 144.72 Hz - Enhances courage, strength.
  • Jupiter: 183.58 Hz - Promotes growth, success.
  • Saturn: 147.85 Hz - Supports discipline, structure.
  • Uranus: 207.36 Hz - Encourages innovation, change.
  • Neptune: 211.44 Hz - Supports intuition, dreams.
  • Pluto: 140.25 Hz - Encourages transformation, rebirth.

Moon Frequency

Moon frequency is the frequency associated with the moon’s orbit around the Earth. This frequency is believed to have a calming effect on the body. It can help to promote relaxation and emotional balance.

The moon frequency is 210.42 Hz for the Synodic Period. The synodic period of the moon refers to the mean duration of a lunar phase cycle from one new moon to the next or from one full moon to the next. This cycle is variable and is known as a lunation. The average duration is approximately 29.53 days, termed a synodic month.

The moon frequency stimulates sexual energy, supports erotic communication, and has medicinal properties. For women, it can help regulate menstruation and, in general, address disturbances of the gland and lymph system.

Suddha Svaras tones

Suddha Svaras tones are specific frequencies used in Indian classical music. These tones are believed to have powerful healing properties and can help to balance the energy centers of the body.

  • Sa (Shadjam) - 240 Hz: The Fundamental Tone: Creates a sense of grounding and stability, often used as a base frequency for meditation and healing practices.
  • Re (Rishabh) - 270 Hz: Melodic Resonance: May help in balancing emotions and promoting a sense of calm and serenity.
  • Ga (Gandhar) - 300 Hz: Harmonic Flow: Aids in enhancing harmonic resonance within the body, promoting a sense of balance and well-being.
  • Ma (Madhyam) - 320 Hz: Centering: Encourages a sense of balance and centering, aiding in creating a peaceful meditative state.
  • Pa (Pancham) - 360 Hz: Rhythmic Alignment: Enhances the rhythmic flow of energy within the body, promoting vitality and energetic balance.
  • Dha (Dhaivat) - 400 Hz: Vibrational Upliftment: Supports energetic upliftment, enhancing positive vibrations and promoting clarity.
  • Ni (Nishad) - 450 Hz: Culmination: Supports a sense of completion and wholeness, aiding in closing energetic cycles and promoting a sense of fulfillment.

Carnatic tones

Carnatic tones are specific frequencies used in South Indian classical music. These tones are believed to have particular healing properties and can be used to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

The basic swaras of Carnatic music are similar to the Suddha Swaras of Hindustani music but are referred to by different names.

  • Shadjam (Sa) - 240 Hz: The Fundamental Tone: Establishes a grounding base for other tones, often used as a reference point in Carnatic music.
  • Rishabham (Ri) - 270 Hz: Melodic Resonance: Encourages balance and harmony, potentially aiding in emotional equilibrium.
  • Gandharam (Ga) - 300 Hz: Harmonic Flow: Aids in promoting harmony and balance within the individual, facilitating a sense of well-being.
  • Madhyamam (Ma) - 320 Hz: Centering: Supports a sense of balance and centeredness, aiding in meditation and internal focus.
  • Panchamam (Pa) - 360 Hz: Rhythmic Alignment: Enhances the rhythmic flow of energy, promoting vitality and energetic alignment.
  • Dhaivatham (Dha) - 400 Hz: Vibrational Upliftment: Supports upliftment of energy and clarity of mind, encouraging positive vibrations.
  • Nishadam (Ni) - 450 Hz: Culmination: Aids in promoting a sense of completion and closure, facilitating the culmination of energetic cycles.

Other Healing Frequencies

  • 40 Hz: Improve concentration and focus
  • 432 Hz: The miracle tone for spiritual development, mental clarity, and focus.

Both tones are supported in our free Solfeggio Frequencies Generator.

Methods to Use Healing Frequencies

Healing frequencies can be used in various ways to promote physical, emotional, and mental well-being. In this section, we will discuss some of the most effective methods to use healing frequencies.


Meditation is a powerful tool to calm the mind and promote relaxation. It involves focusing your attention on a particular object, sound or thought to achieve a state of mental clarity and emotional calmness. You can use healing frequencies during meditation to enhance its benefits.

To use healing frequencies during meditation, you can listen to binaural beats or isochronic tones. Binaural beats are two different frequencies played simultaneously in each ear, which create a third frequency that the brain perceives as a beat. Isochronic tones are single tones that are turned on and off rapidly to create a rhythmic pulse. Both of these techniques can help to synchronize brainwaves and promote relaxation.

Sound Therapy

Sound therapy is a non-invasive healing technique that uses sound frequencies to promote physical and emotional healing. It involves listening to specific frequencies that resonate with different body parts to promote healing.

There are different types of sound therapy, including tuning forks, singing bowls, and gongs. Tuning forks are used to create a resonance in the body, which can help to release tension and promote relaxation. Singing bowls and gongs create a deep vibrational sound that can help balance the body’s energy and promote healing.


Yoga is a holistic practice that combines physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation to promote overall health and well-being. You can use healing frequencies during yoga practice to enhance its benefits.

To use healing frequencies during yoga, you can listen to music or sounds that resonate with the chakras or energy centers in the body. Each chakra is associated with a specific frequency, and listening to these frequencies can help to balance the chakras and promote healing.

In conclusion, healing frequencies can be used in various ways to promote physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Meditation, sound therapy, and yoga are some of the most effective methods to use healing frequencies. You can choose the method that works best for you and incorporate it into your daily routine to experience the benefits of healing frequencies.

How Long to Listen to Them

The duration of time you spend listening to healing frequencies depends on your goals and preferences. Here are a few general guidelines to help you decide how long to listen to them:

Continuous sessions

To experience the full benefits of healing frequencies, you may want to listen to them continuously for at least 30 minutes to an hour. This allows your body to fully absorb the vibrations and align with the frequencies.

Intermittent sessions

If you don’t have the time to listen to healing frequencies continuously, you can still benefit from intermittent sessions throughout the day. For example, you can listen for 15 minutes in the morning, another 15 minutes in the afternoon, and so on.

Personal preference

Ultimately, the amount of time you spend listening to healing frequencies is up to you. Some people prefer to listen to them for hours on end, while others find that a few minutes a day is enough to feel the effects. Listen to your body and adjust your listening habits accordingly.

It’s important to note that you should never listen to healing frequencies to the point of discomfort or pain. If you experience any discomfort, reduce the volume or stop listening altogether.

In summary, the amount of time you spend listening to healing frequencies is a personal choice. You can listen to them continuously for at least 30 minutes to an hour or try intermittent sessions throughout the day. Listen to your body and adjust your listening habits accordingly.


In conclusion, healing frequencies have been used for centuries to help people with various physical and mental ailments. Many different frequencies can be used to help with different issues, such as anxiety, depression, and even headaches as shown in this healing frequencies list.

It’s important to note that while healing frequencies can be helpful, they should not be used as a replacement for traditional medical treatment. It’s always best to consult with a medical professional before trying any new form of treatment.

Overall, incorporating healing frequencies into your self-care routine can be a great way to improve your overall well-being. By taking the time to explore different frequencies and finding what works best for you, you can start to experience the benefits of sound healing in your own life.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of listening to healing frequencies?

Listening to healing frequencies can benefit your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Some of the most commonly reported benefits include reduced stress and anxiety, improved sleep quality, enhanced concentration and focus, increased energy levels, and a general sense of relaxation and calmness. Additionally, healing frequencies are believed to promote the body’s natural healing process, boost the immune system, and improve overall health and well-being.

How do sound frequency healing techniques work?

Sound frequency healing techniques use specific sound frequencies to stimulate the body’s natural healing process. Each frequency is believed to have a unique effect on the body, mind, and spirit. When these frequencies are applied to the body through various techniques such as music, chanting, or sound therapy, they can help to balance the body’s energy centers, release tension and blockages, and promote deep relaxation and healing.

Are there any scientific studies that support the effectiveness of healing frequencies?

While there is still much research to be done on the topic, there is growing evidence to suggest that healing frequencies can have a positive impact on physical and emotional health. Studies have shown that specific frequencies can help reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep quality, and even promote the healing of damaged tissues and cells. However, more research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms behind these effects and to determine the most effective ways to use sound frequency healing techniques.

What is the significance of different frequencies in healing?

Each frequency is believed to have a unique effect on the body, mind, and spirit. For example, the 528 Hz frequency is known as the “Love Frequency”. It is believed to promote positive transformation and healing. At the same time, the 639 Hz frequency is said to promote emotional balance and harmony. By understanding the significance of different frequencies, you can choose the most beneficial for your specific needs and goals.

Can listening to healing frequencies improve physical health?

Yes, listening to healing frequencies can have a positive impact on physical health by promoting the body’s natural healing process, boosting the immune system, and reducing stress and tension. Some frequencies have even been shown to promote the healing of damaged tissues and cells, making them a powerful tool for improving overall health and well-being.

How can I incorporate healing frequencies into my daily routine?

There are many ways to incorporate healing frequencies into your daily routine, such as listening to music or chanting, practicing sound therapy, or using specific frequency-based products such as tuning forks or crystal bowls. Experiment with different techniques and frequencies to find the ones that work best for you and make them a regular part of your self-care routine.

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